Target Stores Downsize Pride Month Displays Amid Backlash


Target Pride Month Store Section


Every June, Target stores nationwide highlight Pride month with vast displays, including items from “tuck friendly” swimsuits for transgender individuals to “gender fluid” mugs. Recently, Fox News Digital was informed by an insider that many Target locations, predominantly in rural Southern areas, have relocated their Pride sections to evade the backlash similar to what Bud Light faced recently due to their promotional campaign involving transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney. The informant disclosed that emergency meetings were held on Friday, instructing some managers and district senior directors to downsize the Pride sections immediately. The rapid decision, which is unusual for Target, was preceded by a roughly 10-minute discussion about ensuring team member safety due to the backlash over the Pride merchandise.

Locations in South Carolina, Arkansas, and Georgia are among the rural Target stores that have relocated their Pride sections. In these changes, the majority of rank-and-file employees were kept uninformed, with many only noticing the relocation when they encountered it firsthand.

The Pride merchandise in question covers a broad spectrum, from female-style swimsuits designed to “tuck” male genitalia, to products labeled as “Thoughtfully fit on multiple body types and gender expressions.” However, these displays have faced criticism from conservatives who argue they are excessive, with children’s items particularly causing controversy. Conservative pundit and author, Bethany Mandel, highlighted the incident as an important lesson about engaging in culture wars, stating that Bud Light’s partnership with Mulvaney pales in comparison to Target’s actions.


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