69% of Americans Say Transgender Athletes Should Compete Based on Biological Gender


Female Athletes And Allies Rally In Washington DC On 50th Anniversary Of Title IX
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images


The annual Values and Beliefs poll conducted by Gallup from May 1 to 24 reveals that a larger percentage of Americans (69%) now believe that transgender athletes should only compete on teams aligned with their gender at birth, compared to 62% in 2021. Conversely, the number of people supporting transgender athletes playing on teams corresponding to their current gender identity has decreased from 34% to 26%.

The issue of transgender athletes’ eligibility, particularly regarding transgender women participating in women’s teams, has sparked discussions at all levels of competitive sports. Schools and sports regulatory bodies have implemented varying regulations on the subject, with differing opinions on the issue.

As the number of U.S. adults reporting knowledge of a transgender person has increased, public attitudes towards transgender athletes competing based on their current gender identity have become less favorable. Support for transgender athletes choosing their preferred teams has declined among both those who know transgender individuals and those who do not.

Among individuals aware of transgender people, only 30% currently support athletes playing on teams aligned with their current gender identity, compared to 40% in 2021. Similarly, support has dropped to 23% from 31% among those who do not personally know a transgender person.

Democrats, Republicans, and independents are all less supportive of transgender athletes competing based on their gender identity compared to two years ago. Consequently, Democrats are no longer evenly divided on the issue, as was the case in 2021. Republicans (93%) and independents (67%) maintain strong positions against allowing transgender athletes to choose which teams to play for.

The survey also examined Americans’ broader perspectives on transgenderism. It found that 55% of respondents consider “changing one’s gender” to be morally wrong, while 43% view it as morally acceptable. These results indicate a slight decrease in acceptance compared to 2021 when 46% considered it morally acceptable.


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