Louisiana Legislature Defies Governor's Veto of Bill Banning Gender Transition Surgeries for Children


Gov. John Bel Edwards talks to media at the Case Closed Barbershop on November 15, 2019 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
(Photo by Jonathan Bachman/Getty Images)


The Louisiana state legislature overturned Governor John Bel Edwards’ veto on a bill banning gender-transitioning procedures for minors, turning Louisiana into the 20th US state to adopt such restrictions.

The law prohibits doctors from prescribing hormone therapy, puberty blockers, or conducting gender-transition surgeries for minors. It was introduced by State Representative Gabe Firment (R), who expressed concern that if left unchecked, Louisiana would become a hub for minors seeking such treatments from neighboring southern states.

“If we don’t pass this bill, Louisiana will become the destination for children across the entire South to undergo these life-altering and irreversible medical experiments,” he commented. Governor Edwards criticized the veto override, pledging to challenge the law in court, and stated: “I expect the courts to throw out this unconstitutional bill.”

Critics label gender transitioning as a scientifically unproven treatment for the condition of transgenderism, a state where individuals identify as a gender different from their birth sex. The transition often involves irreversible medical procedures known to cause significant physical and mental trauma.

The political landscape in Louisiana may see a shift as Edwards’ term ends early next year, with early polls indicating a potential Republican takeover. Notably, Attorney General Jeff Landry (R) is viewed as the frontrunner in the upcoming elections.


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