Media Falsely Accusing Conservatives of Target Bomb Threats


Sponsored Pride Surprise sign in Target store in New York City
Education Images / Getty Images


The Hill and The Washington Post have recently come under scrutiny for their alleged misrepresentation of bomb threats made against Target. These outlets have suggested that the threats have come from the conservative community, when, in fact, they appear to be coming from LGBTQ activists.

Both publications reported the bomb threats against Target under headlines highlighting a supposed backlash against the retail chain’s Pride month merchandise. The Hill’s headline read: “Target stores in at least five states receive bomb threats over Pride items.” However, the critical detail that the threats came from pro-LGBT+ activists was only mentioned later in the articles. The Washington Post followed a similar structure.

This is seen by some as a calculated move to reinforce a narrative of LGBT+ victimhood, and an intentional attempt to portray conservatives as antagonists. This comes amid growing discussions on gender politics and the rights of transgender individuals.

Target had recently released a line of Pride merchandise, and quickly faced criticism, leading them to move displays to the back of stores citing “threats.” However, the company did not produce any evidence to substantiate these claims. Observers have suggested that the real “threat” was financial rather than physical, as indicated by a drop in Target’s stock value.

There have also been allegations that other media outlets, such as PBS and NPR, have circulated unsubstantiated claims about threats and violent confrontations, further fuelling the narrative.

However, a recent Gallup poll indicates a change in public opinion regarding transgender issues. According to the poll, 55% of Americans now believe changing one’s gender is “morally wrong,” up from 51% in 2021. Moreover, almost 70% believe athletes should only compete on teams that align with their biological sex.

SEE: 69% of Americans Say Transgender Athletes Should Compete Based on Biological Gender

These critics contend that as the cultural tide shifts, pro-LGBT+ activists and their media allies are willing to push misleading narratives in order to maintain control over the public discourse, including portraying themselves as the victims of threats that they have initiated.


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