Mötley Crüe's Tommy Lee Attacked For Sharing Viral Liz Wheeler Clip


Tommy Lee speaks during the press conference for THE STADIUM TOUR DEF LEPPARD - MOTLEY CRUE - POISON at SiriusXM Studios
Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for SiriusXM


Pink News reported that musician Tommy Lee expressed regret after posting a 2017 Instagram video featuring Liz Wheeler, then host of the Tipping Point program on One America News Network (OANN), and now host of The Liz Wheeler Show. In the video, Wheeler reportedly linked identifying as non-binary to identifying as a child, and made the argument that if transgender propaganda is more widely accepted in society, white people may start dressing like black people, and able-bodied individuals may start labeling themselves as disabled.

After receiving criticism for uploading the video, Lee removed the content. He stated that he is not transphobic and is supportive of the LGBTQIA+ community. Despite this, Lee expressed that transgenderism was going too “far” in modern culture, mentioning that he found it absurd that some individuals are trying to go blind because they believe they should have been born that way.

Lee continued to explain his views on transgenderism, stating that he understands identifying as a gender different from the one assigned at birth, but believes that identifying as an infant or animal is absurd. He urged his followers to also think about where society and the world are headed.

While some of Lee’s supporters claimed that he was “falling for alt-right propaganda,” Breitbart cites a recent poll proving that he is not the only one who is troubled by what is taking place in the modern world. According to a recent Wall Street Journal-NORC poll, a majority of Americans oppose using gender-neutral pronouns like “they/them,” and a growing percentage of people believe that acceptance of transgenderism has “gone too far.”


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