Liz Wheeler will speak at a special event hosted by the Young Americans for Freedom chapter at James Madison University on April 26, 2023.
This event is free and open to the public, and tickets can be found here.
Speaking on “The Ideology of Transgenderism,” several members of the community have called Liz Wheeler’s speech, and the factual reality that men cannot be women and women cannot be men, “hate speech.” The James Madison University debate team—supposed proponents of free speech—even went so far as to say that they “oppose the support given by groups on campus to bring Liz Wheeler to speak” because “Wheeler is not an honest advocate speaking in good faith.”

In a recent interview with Emily Jashinsky at The Federalist, Wheeler explained the reason her appearance on campus is important:
“Queer theory is a Marxist ideology. It poses the idea that LGBTQIA people are so marginalized that they need to revolt against their so-called oppressors… That’s why we see transgender activists on campus claim that my words are violence and they need to do something to stop my ‘hate speech’… I’m going to campus to tell them the truth.”
Following her speech on Wednesday, Liz Wheeler will participate in a Q&A discussion with members of the audience. If you are unable to attend in person, you can watch the event live online on the YAFtv YouTube channel or on The Liz Wheeler Show Rumble.